Bestselling Author, Award Winning Broadcaster, Motivational Speaker and Philanthropist. She’s had it all, lost it all and bounced back stronger!

S is for S Speaker. S is for Surthiver®. S is for Secily....a Two - Time Stroke Survivor. Hard hitting, inspiring and entertaining reports in news, lifestyle and entertainment is what Secily is known for. When she conducts her interviews, everyone is at ease in front of the camera. Over the years Secily has interviewed notables like Civil Rights icon Andrew Young, Super Bowl coach Tony Dungy and President Obama’s spiritual advisor Dr. Joel Hunter. Read More

She Said The "P" Word
from $15.00

Throughout the pages of this book, Secily takes you on a journey of endurance, strength and courage that helps unleash the power of your words. There’s little she hasn’t survived. Two strokes didn’t stop her. Divorce didn’t derail her. She lost her job, and found her passion. She is a woman who overcomes through sheer willpower and continues to defy the odds! 

Life happens to everyone and sometimes it's not what you had planned. Adversity is the kryptonite that takes over to destroy, paralyze and strip you of your voice.  With her red cape and purple stilettos, Secily gives you hope, inspiration and a little laugher in the face of despair.  She is a real life superhero with a message of perseverance, purpose and passion. Proof that "what you SAY is just as important as what DO. When you've been knocked down and counted out, there's only one response......get back up and Say the "P" Word!!


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She knew that she could, so she did.

- R.S. Grey

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Secily has a voice that soothes and summons. Soothes you when you’re distressed and summons you to walk in your power and purpose. At my first Spring
into Leadership Women’s Conference, she soothed the woman who was hurting while simultaneously summoning her out of her dark place. It was a phenomenal site to witness and there was not a dry eye in the place.
— Demetria Sloan/Founder & President, Vantage Point Coaching
Secily Wilson is a dynamic moderator and speaker. The topic of racial equity is sensitive, difficult, but critically
important. She is able to guide conversations to bring out key insights for the audience while challenging panelists to dig deep and speak authentically
— Min Sun Kim, Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership
She was incredible and exceeded my expectations in every way. We discussed the goals of the event and she simply go it done. She did her research on the panelists and asked thought provoking questions that resulted in the exact answers our audience needed to hear. Her energy is contagious. I can’t wait to work with her again!
— Lisa Bachman, Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida

Follow @TheSecilyWilson

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Secily will create a ‘wow’ experience for you and your guests.



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